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A historical overview : the impact of European Legislation on closing the CNP loops


Nutri2Cycle is assessing new innovations for the recovery of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and carbon (C) within the agricultural sector – more specifically the “triangle” between crop production, animal breeding and agro-residue processing activities (e.g. agro-digesters, manure processing,…). Closing the CNP-loops within the agricultural sector is gaining attention all over Europe (and beyond) in the light of circular economy, but the subject isn’t new at all.

 What you are allowed to do with nutrients coming from manure and/or digestate has been directed by European and national/regional legislative frameworks over the past decades. At the same time other European and national frameworks have had a significant impact on the introduction of the volumes of CNP-flows in the agricultural sector.

Within the framework of work package 1, a historical overview of the measures taken at the European level that have/had a significant impact on the CNP-flows and the management of those over the years has been prepared by our partners United Experts and the European Biogas Association. Starting in the 60’s with the introduction of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), up to the actual directives and the upcoming legislations we discuss roadblocks and opportunities, including the major actual impact that resulted from the measures taken. Curious to learn more? Check out the pre-final version (currently under revision of the Research Executive Agency (EC) of this document here.

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